Philip Seymour Hoffman has died

I just read the very tragic news that gifted actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was this morning found dead in his hotel room with a hypodermic needle in his arm.  He was one of my absolute favourite actors and I always thought I should seek out more of his movies.  I am both shocked and shaken by the news and really think the world has lost one of the greats.


Philip Seymour Hoffman

1967 – 2014


He was best known for roles in Boogie Nights, The Big Lebowski and The Master and nabbed an Oscar for his portrayal of Capote.  A very sad loss and my thoughts goes out to his friends, family and his many fans.

The Master

Viewed – 11 May 2013  Blu-ray

For some time I have been an admirer of the acting skills of Philip Seymour Hoffman, even though I haven’t seen that many of his movies.  He was a great villain in Mission Impossible 3 and also very good in movies like the 25th Hour and Boogie Nights, which brings me nicely to this latest  Oscar nominated offering from the same director as Nights, Paul Thomas Anderson, a man who has gained no small amount of acclaim for movies like There Will Be Blood and Magnolia.

The Master

Unmistakably inspired by the early days of Scientology, Hoffman plays Lancaster Dodd, a man who leads a gathering of people and teaches a philosophy on life, that some would call a cult.  After a chance encounter with a damaged, alcoholic drifter and former World War II navel officer (Joaquin Phoenix), Lancaster promises to turn this man’s life around, if he agrees to follow his teachings.  Co-starring Amy Adams as Lancaster’s straight talking wife and with a world-weary performance from an increasingly unhinged-looking Phoenix this was at first hard to get into, not helped by Phoenix’s muffled dialogue.  However once Hoffman turns up this became a lot more interesting.  I have always wondered about the background of Scientology, and although this isn’t based on fact, it certainly opened my mind to an alternative to religion and could see how it might appeal to people.  However the movie does show that such beliefs can be attacked or questioned, and each time this happens, Hoffman or Phoenix’s reaction is either abusive or violent, threatening to reveal the real danger behind such so-called cult followings.

Paul Thomas Anderson has crafted an intriguing, if lightweight story with classy direction and some eye-catching visuals, showing off the period attractively.  Performances are decent, especially Hoffman, manipulative and charming as Lancaster Dodd, although moments of explicit dialogue and nudity seemed out of place.  Considering the subject matter, I found the lack of depth disappointing, but despite this I still had a good time.

Verdict:  3 /5