
Yesterday marked 13 years since I began this blog. Wow.

In other news… Strange times we are living in I’m sure you are all aware. I’m still at work currently but the situation has felt very unsettling and decidedly weird. This blog has felt like it’s been on a bit of a hiatus with movie reviews even though I’ve had chance to watch a few flicks here and there and play games. My enthusiasm, most likely down to current world issues revolving around the pandemic has felt a bit low though. However I’m currently playing a lot of Animal Crossing New Horizons on Switch as well as occasionally playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare on Xbox One X … both games I’d strongly recommend for obviously very different reasons! I’ve also been dipping in and out of Luigi’s Mansion 3 as well as Pokémon Sword


The prospect of the next-gen consoles on the horizon also fills me with excitement, with Microsoft putting their cards on the table whilst Sony remain a bit tight lipped and secretive, although more news day by day seems to be trickling out. I would love both machines, namely the Xbox Series X and PS5, but we’ll wait and see how they fair price-wise.

I also recently subscribed to Disney+ and have found that a solid service. Plenty of choice what with Disney movies, Marvel and Star Wars it’s a bit of a treasure trove. Along with Netflix and Apple TV at the moment, this whole social-distancing thing is at least eased with such great streaming services available.

Stay safe out there everyone!


5 thoughts on “Update

  1. I’ve been playing Doom Eternal and its really been annoying me. Its like they have turned Doom into a Mario game, there is so much bloody platforming, and believe me, platforming in first-person is just infuriating. I love Doom, to, so that’s really disappointed me. I haven’t even picked it up for days, so cheesed off with fighting one minute and then hitting a brick wall of joypad gymnastics.


  2. Congratulations on doing this for 13 years. Don’t know how long mine has been going (although less active) but it’s probably also something like 10 or 11.

    I’m currently watching more TV shows than movies and like you am gaming as well. Still busy trying to finish Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Switch, playing Ringfit Adventure a couple of times a week to get some strength training and doing Pistol Whip, Beat Saber and Box VR on the Oculus Quest to get some further workouts 🙂

    Thinking about buying Animal Crossing, although I’m afraid it’s going to be such a time sink…still remember playing it of the DS and not being able to stop even when I had to study for exams (did pass them). It’s an addictive game.
    Also want to get Good Job for the Switch, looks like a fun little game.


  3. Oh, I forgot. As far as it comes to the next generation I don’t know if I’ll get them or if I would which one I’d pick. Grand Theft Auto usually is the game that convinces me to buy one (so I didn’t get one of the current generation) and the choice would be difficult. The Playstation usually has better exclusives, but for Xbox the backward compatibility would be a big reason to pick that as I have quite a lot of 360 games.


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